Ionic Detox Foot Bath 

30 minutes – $55.00 

Series of 6 sessions $300.00 Save $30.00

Many clients have requested our ionic detox foot bath since the COVID-19 outbreak.

While the benefits are many, at the top of the list is that detoxing supports a healthy immune system.

Whether you are in good health and just want to feel extraordinary, or if you are currently suffering from chronic problems or an undiagnosed illness, regular foot detox sessions can improve your overall health and well-being.

When the body is able to eliminate toxins and metabolic waste, then inflammation, edema, and swelling all decrease, allowing the body to repair itself and reduce pain within muscles and joints.

The Ionic detox foot bath system helps to eliminate toxins and gives the body a boost.  Through proper detoxification, we can significantly reduce the accumulation of toxins, prevent diseases, slow down the aging process and enjoy a disease free, longer and healthier life.

The Ionic Foot Bath should not be done on individuals who are epileptic, hemophiliacs, or those with a pacemaker, metal in body, implanted organs, or on blood thinners. It should also not be done during pregnancy or lactation.



Ionic Foot Detox + PEMF

60 minutes – $80.00

Pairing the Ionic Foot Detox with PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field) is a positive step to sustaining good health.

The magnetic energy waves from PEMF Mat provoke your cells with electricity. Studies show that PEMF can effectively enhance blood circulation, reduce pain and stiffness, treat lower back pain, heal wounds, and restore healthy bones.



Anyone from the very young to the elderly can use PEMF safely and without negative side effects. The only contraindications are for those individuals with pacemakers, insulin pumps, or other electrical implants, and pregnancy.