Craniosacral Therapy and Chronic Pain

Does any of this feel painfully familiar to you?

You have chronic back, neck or joint pain and stiffness that affects you daily life.

Or have frequent headaches or migraines.

You spend all day at a computer and find it difficult to stay focused

Can sometimes feel fatigued just from walking up a flight of steps

You have tried everything, and you have decided that nothing will help!


Imagine how amazing it’s going to feel when

You feel more peaceful, relaxed and grounded.

You realize that you are more flexible and can move without pain.

Your chronic headaches have dissipated or are completely gone.

Your outlook has changed, you feel open, positive and have the energy to fully engage in your life.

Woman at desk with neck pain
Enjoy life

Experience the powerful healing benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

Single 60 mins. session $150.00

Evaluation pack $160.00   Schedule now  

I recommend this package for all new clients and anyone that I have worked with in the past but has not had a session in 90 days.

This Package provides a holistic, hands-on evaluation and gives you the opportunity to experience the powerful healing benefits of a Craniosacral therapy session. We will discuss your current health concerns and where you would like to be.

This package includes a follow-up call 3 days after your session to talk about any changes and to determine how I can support you on your journey to a healthy, pain free life.

What’s included:

New Client Health History & Wellness Interview

Hands-on evaluation

Craniosacral therapy session 60 min.

10-15 min. follow-up phone consultation 3 days after appointment

Reminder emails/ texts

If you are curious about what I do and if this could help you, I would love to set up a free 15 min. call to discuss this and answer any questions you might have.

Contact me via email at to schedule your call

About Melinda

I am an intuitive, integrative, holistic therapist with over 30 yrs. experience. I combine multiple therapies in my sessions if needed to address each client’s needs.

I specialize in relieving chronic pain and long-standing issues that can be a result of everything from minor injuries, surgeries, repetitive use problems. The most common one is spending all day at a computer, it’s often referred to as the “New Smoking.”

Accidents and sports injuries are a common source of chronic pain no matter how long ago, they can be the beginning of a chronic issue and the source of your current one. Since its sometimes impossible to see the restrictions in the tissues via x-ray or MRI most issues are not diagnosed and if they are the treatment is usually pills. Anti-inflamatory or pain pills are the most common but they only manage the symptoms, but don’t treat the underlying issue.

I use a powerful but gentle technique that releases restrictions in the central nervous system that allows the body to self-correct.  By sending energy via focused thought to the area the restriction will relax and release.

What I love about this technique is that many clients find relief and healing from long standing issues that they never expected!

“I have a client that got what she called remarkable results after we worked together to relieve her chronic pain.

By the end she said her pain was almost nonexistent and a head bob that she had for 25 years had all but disappeared. She said as a 67-yr. old this therapy has done more for her health than any pill she takes.”

To learn more about this treatment follow this link and remember that all sessions are tailored to your specific needs.

To learn more about Craniosacral therapy

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Craniosacral Package 60 min. sessions   Purchase now. 

Purchase 6 sessions and get one free. $945.00 value. You pay only $750.00 Save $195.00

This treatment is offered as a distance service or hands-on.

A first-time Distance session is offered at a discount of $75.00 you save $10.00. Call or email to schedule your session, not available for online booking. 703-751-0001

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