Distance Healing

Distance Healing is not new, it has been practiced for centuries. Is it right for you? Distance healing is any form of healing energy/thoughts “sent” across time and space that is received and has a healing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not have to be physically present to receive the […]

PEMF InfraMat

This treatment is a great stand-alone service or an addition to a massage, facial or reflexology session. Call, email or book online here. What is PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field)? PEMF therapy is a natural form of wellness therapy that grants various types of health benefits to people who use it. If you receive PEMF therapy regularly, […]

Can massage help relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress?

Can massage help relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress? People constantly mistake massage therapy only as a luxury for pampering yourself. When in fact it’s actually very beneficial for your mental health, it helps manage stress, depression, and insomnia. Stress is an inevitable part of life. Even the happiest moments of our life come […]


Mon Sanctuaire offers therapeutic treatments~ reiki, reflexology, magnesium massage, craniosacral therapy.    Watch video “Reiki” (pronounced “ray-key”), is the Japanese word for “Universal Life Energy.” This energy is all around us and we can channel it. An ancient healing art, Reiki is a simple method of hands on healing developed in the 1920’s by Mikao […]

Necessary Zen

  Necessary Zen Increased productivity and joy happens when one is focused on the present moment. When distractions and thoughts are cleared, there is clarity. It is during these moments that we feel we can accomplish anything and positivity shines out of us. When life has become increasingly distracting and busy, it is easy to […]

Discovering the healer within

My mother was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in her lung. The doctor said it was terminal and that she would live another twelve months. Needless to say the news was devastating to our family. My sister and a few of my friends knew I was making the trip home to work on mother. They […]